Saturday, February 21, 2009

The problem is: if Rwandan armed forces really leave, how are the FARDC suppose to hold their current position in the front line?

From Stop The War In North Kivu:

US: “Real success in the Kivus”. Sure?
2009 February 21

Through words of its ambassador in the DRC, the US have publicly shown their full support for the joint military operation taking place in the Kivus. This kind of open declaration, and the way things are happening, can let us even think that plan the itself has been conceived by US diplomacy and proposed to Kigali and Kabila with a “you take it, or you take it” approach, soften with the idea of a “win-win” situation for everyone.

It seems that once the US speaks, the EU feels that it has to express itself on the matter.

Eurac, an influential European advocacy network, has expressed interesting recommendations on the current scenario, mainly advocating for less military muscle and more negotiation. This is not an easy thing to say now, though, because we are knowing that the FDLR keeps on killing civilians. However, let´s make this clear: the FDLR are not the only negative forces in this war, no matter how many times Rwanda has tried to label them with this term. All armed groups involved in this war are more than negative (Filip Reytnjens expressed the spiral of violence in the Great Lakes region after the genocide with a very lucid sentence: “this is not a story of good guys fighting bad guys. This a story of bad guys”).

Following the on-going diplomatic plan, Rwanda affirmed yesterday what most Congolese citizens wanted to hear: that Rwandan troops will leave the country this same week. “Tomorrow [for today] they are going to issue (the orders). They will begin pulling back slowly,” a Rwandan spokesman said yesterday. He said that the withdrawal will be completed for next Wednesday.

The problem is: if Rwandan armed forces really leave, how are the FARDC suppose to hold their current position in the front line?

Many people in this part of the world remember the last time Rwandan forces left the Kivus. An expression was coined that time. People said that Rwandan soldiers “left through the main entrance and came back through the back window“. This is to say, they continued their presence in Congolese soil in a more disguised, but real, way. Many Congolese fear this could be the case again.


To tell you how strange reporting in the US is, I'm going to post you a post I submitted to the NY Times today which was rejected. It was on the Bob Herbert column:

The war in the DRC and the recent rampage of the Lord's Resistance Army are not invisible if you care to look. Here are a few resources:

Recently, the US was involved in pressuring Rwanda to intervene with the cooperation of the DRC in the DRC, and in helping Uganda search for the LRA, which turned into a nightmare for many because the search was poorly organized.So the US is involved, although more needs to be done. The UN's role is not what it should be. Here is a very good essay on the UN in the DRC:

Don the libertarian Democrat

— Don, Tacoma, WA

So I'm trying to publicize places where one can keep up on the crisis, but it's not easy. I've no idea if the problem was mentioning other blogs or using French sources. Je ne comprend pas. I didn't look that up. It might not be correct. I'm much better at reading French.

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