Saturday, February 14, 2009

if we are very lucky - get out with our economy more or less intact.

Simon Johnson:

"Bill Moyers Journal Tonight: American Banking Oligarchs

with 50 comments

A lot of people seem to be worrying about American bank oligarchs and how to break their political power. Bill Moyers has obviously been thinking about these issues for a long time, and he invited me to come by yesterday to talk more about how we got into this situation and how we might - if we are very lucky - get out with our economy more or less intact.

The interview is scheduled to run Friday evening (tonight) at the beginning of his PBS show; the segment should also be on his website after 10pm - and a preview/summary is already posted on Bill’s site. Comments welcome, as always.

Hopefully, there will be more such discussions, so tell me what ideas need additional explanation or substantiation to convince people on the depth of our predicament and to further the debate regarding a real exit strategy.

Written by Simon Johnson

February 13, 2009 at 3:17 pm

Posted in Commentary

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A very good job. However, doesn’t the FDIC usually have takers for most of the assets when they swoop in? I just don’t see the FDIC being able to handle this in their normal manner. Also, I’m just not sure that it won’t end up being called nationalization by the bankers and shareholders anyway. In other words, a fancy FDIC = Nationalization,and will be subject to similar objections.

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