Thursday, February 5, 2009

I see many theories proven each day, and gain an even deeper understanding of them

From Free Exchange:

"In defense of economists
Posted by: | NEW YORK
Cause and effect
The Perils of Prediction
The econoblogosphere

MY COLLEAGUES have expressed their frustration at the economics profession. Some economists share their despair at the way the field has failed throughout this crisis. It’s strange; I find it an exhilarating time to be an economist. Rather than seeing everything I learned turned on its head, I see many theories proven each day, and gain an even deeper understanding of them.

The disappointment many non-economists feel is probably the result of unrealistic expectations. Contrary to the prevailing view, no economist I know of has, or ever had, a perfect understanding of the economy. Some understand it better than others, but the nature of research is the eternal struggle to figure out what exactly is happening. That would be hard enough if markets were static, but they change all the time. Being a relevant economist requires constant relearning and rethinking of theories and techniques. Expecting economists to have all the answers now and the ability to prevent crises is like expecting doctors to have a ready a cure for a new, fast spreading virus. Financial innovation was quicker than the pace of academic research and most academic economists have few ties to industry. That probably explains why so many did not see the crisis coming. It also explains why economists make far better Monday morning quarterbacks than fortune tellers.

Even if that were not the case, I am not convinced there exists any scientific way to have foreseen what happened. Economists should have been more worried about the housing bubble and a lousy allocation of capital from the savings glut. But so much of what went wrong was panic. Even psychologists can not predict perfectly at what point panic sets in and correlations go to one. Modelling the factors that bring about such a state of the world and assigning them a probability is extremely difficult if not impossible.

But that does not mean economists are completely useless. We may not posses a perfect understanding of a constantly changing economy or predict the future. But my training has never felt more relevant. For instance, economists have theories on decision making when risk turns to uncertainty. Our models may not be great at predicting tail outcomes, but they were never meant to do this. They function as a road map rather than a perfect guide. Blaming economic models is like driving on a road, having a lorry slam into you, and blaming your road atlas for the accident. The atlas has value (without it we’d always be driving in circles), but it does not guarantee safe driving. That atlas remains, for all its faults, our best bet to fix the economy.

The tedious back and forth you hear on the effectiveness of fiscal policy (and whether it should be temporary or permanent, tax cuts or spending) results from economists’ keen awareness of what can go wrong. There are many roads we can take and all have their hazards. True, we have few instances of Hail Mary fiscal stimulus to study. Even when we do, it’s still hard to understand what happened. I predict in twenty years there will be a school of economists who claim the fiscal stimulus was a raging success and another who’ll maintain that what Ben Bernanke did more quietly, injecting capital into the economy and providing currency swaps to foreign central banks, saved the day.

My colleague is frustrated with the tiresome tone that economists take in their debates on the blogosphere and in opinion pieces. Unfortunately, that is not due to the financial crisis. Economists have always spoken to each other this way—just go to any academic seminar and you’ll hear the same thing. It’s how we communicate with one another. I suppose it must be like finding out how dysfunctional that perfect-seeming family actually can be.

As I mentioned, we are great Monday morning quarterbacks, which means that economists learn best from crises like this one. From the Great Depression we got Keynesian economics, which revolutionised the field. I can’t wait to see what emerges from the ashes of this mess."


"But so much of what went wrong was panic. Even psychologists can not predict perfectly at what point panic sets in and correlations go to one. Modelling the factors that bring about such a state of the world and assigning them a probability is extremely difficult if not impossible."

I agree completely. However, once panic was evident, it seems to me that it was clear that only a government guarantee could stop it, because only the government has the resources to be believed in issuing a guarantee. My own view, is that on the Sunday before Lehman declared bankruptcy, it was evident that Merrill and AIG would be in big trouble. If you've read Fisher's paper on Debt-Deflation and feel that it's reasonable, if not exact, you could have easily concluded that Lehman falling could lead to a Calling Run.

One reason that I was for a version of the Swedish Plan that week, was because, however it worked out in practice, it fulfilled the need of a government guarantee to stop the Calling Run, and it placed the interest's of the taxpayers first. The alternative, which we've been trying various versions of, was to issue the guarantee but attempt to balance the interest's of the taxpayers with those of the shareholders and leadership of these financial institutions. This Hybrid Plan has been a disaster.

Life is full of paradoxes. As I've argued since September, if you wanted to end the crisis in the cheapest way possible, and get the government out of the banking business, the quickest way was to take them over and then, as quickly as possible, spit them back out. Of course, I'm only talking about the ones needing a government lifeline to even exist.

In essence, I'm arguing that the ability to accept and deal with the paradoxes of human life and society is necessary for a more robust and effective political economy. After all, it must strike many as strange that, after arguing that low interest rates caused the crisis, we now have low interest rates. After arguing that we had an artificially high housing market, we're attempting to keep the price of houses artificially high. After saying that banks loaned money incompetently, we're claiming that the same people, more or less, have suddenly become competent and that government running the show even for a short time would be worse than leaving decisions in the hands of people who have brought on a worldwide economic crisis. We're blaming the free market, when it's obvious that bankers and investors believed that there were implicit government guarantees to help the financial sector in the case of a financial crisis. People are offering theories that say that, if the government invests money, it will hinder private investment, when private investors are buying bonds that pay essentially no interest rather than invest in other areas. The list goes on.
2/6/2009 5:46 AM GST

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