Monday, February 2, 2009

The experience this time—of dueling op-eds citing papers the relevance of which no one can agree upon—is less than heartening.

From Free Exchange:

"Blanchard roundtable: In conclusion
Posted by: | WASHINGTON
Blanchard roundtable

This discussion can be followed in its entirety here.

LET me begin by quoting a reader comment. This is from c r williams on the post written by our correspondent in Delhi:

Is it too much to ask economists to try to predict the onset of crises and to avert them, or does economics merely generate 'a boon of new information to pore over and develop new ideas for the future'?

If so, more political decisionmakers will be turning away from economists towards the likes of Naomi Klein, whose 'shock doctrine' thesis moves beyond mere ideas into the realm of action...

To me, the thing which has stood out through this roundtable, from Olivier Blanchard's initial piece to the contributions of academics, correspondents, and readers, is the extent to which we're able to discuss the issues involved at an extremely broad and vague level. We don't sound like expert diagnosticians debating which of several potential infections could be causing a patient's trouble. We sound like witch doctors who can't agree on just where in the body the lifeforce can be found. We're not comparing engineering schematics. We're pondering the shape of the earth. Is the issue animal spirits? Do we need a placebo? Are debt concerns most important, or should stimulus be as large as politically possible?

Obviously, economics has considerable explanatory power. And obviously, when economists sit down to talk about an issue, they have an argot and a set of understood assumptions on which to rely. And yet, so many of the crucial debates concerning diagnosis of the crisis, financial treatment, regulatory reform, and economic stimulus have resulted in disputes over rather significant points.

I don't want to excessively diminish the contributions of economists. Thanks to the work of previous generations of economists, we understand the danger of contractionary monetary and fiscal policy in situations such as this, and it's unlikely we'll make the mistakes that produced 25% unemployment in America in the 1930s.

But it remains the case that the economist's great decider—statistical analysis—struggles to parse the significant macroeconomic events of the past two centuries; there just aren't enough great global depressions to know what causes what under what circumstances. And as such, we're left with multiple, variably useful models through which to view the world, and no good way to adjudicate the disputes. Go and read Paul Krugman's blog for the past few weeks. At times, it seems as though he's debating children, like a modern astronomer arguing with an adherent of a Ptolemaic solar system. Go to an outpost from the other side of the debate and, give or take the rhetorical tropes, you see much the same thing.

In the wake of the current economic crisis, scholars will focus on improving their models and attempting to generate a better picture of how the financial system and global economy operate. But there are equally important methodological questions outstanding. Economists need to step back and figure out how to adjudicate questions that can't be solved by turning to standard errors. The experience this time—of dueling op-eds citing papers the relevance of which no one can agree upon—is less than heartening."

It was an excellent series. Thank you. I find that Krugman's comments can be applied to himself. He believes a little too much in plugging in certain numbers. Actually, I believe that, at one point, he admitted this recently, but said that we had to use the best evidence that we have.

To be honest, at times, the 1930s, Keynes, Ricardian Equivalence, do sound like excuses for political opinions. This doesn't bother me, because I believe that there is a difference between political economy and economics. Political Economy is where the real profundity is. Economics is a set of more or less useful theories.

I recently came upon a couple of blogs that I'd like to recommend, and, yes, I largely do agree with them.

I'd like to recommend this post particularly:

More blogs like these would help people explore the philosophical and sociological bases of economics.

Here are a few more that are of interest:

I hope that this is kosher. Obviously, I'm addicted to this blog.

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